July 1, 2010


Tuesday  June 15, 2010  Cloudy/Rainy

AOBA MATSURI started with Buddhist Service at Henjoden in Daishi Kyokai this morning.
After the service, Matsunaga Yukei, the 412th Archibishop of Koyasan Shingon Buddhism moved to Kongobuji. Later he will talk with KIDA TARO on the main stage set up in the parking lot in front of Kongobuji.

Here in VIC, I couldn't see the parade, but take pictures of a marching band, Chigo Daishi coming back from the parade.

When the Chigo Daishi ( a statue of Chigo Daishi ) in Hanamido came back to Daishi Kyokai, the statue was moved to the inner sanctuary of Henjoden. Then religious people began to sing a song for him.  Ooops!! It is almost 2 o'clock. I have to rush to the main stage to catch rice cakes!! - to be continued - (SKY)

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